Service Information

Train service, bus services, refreshments & parking

Photographer Dave EllisbrDate taken 17112021

Photographer: Dave Ellis
Date taken: 17/11/2021

Exeter-Okehampton rail service

The Exeter-Okehampton rail service is operated by Great Western Railway, and is marketed as The Dartmoor Line.

View latest line statistics (117Kb) (courtesy of DCRP).

Look up basic train info and buy tickets at

Check for service problems at

You can download a timetable in PDF format from The timetable for our line is D2. If you rely on a downloaded timetable, make sure it is up to date. Timetables are revised twice a year. (The current timetable came into effect on Sunday June 2nd 2024).

Bus services to and from Okehampton

Service 118 Okehampton - Tavistock (Dartline Coaches)

Service 6 Bude - Holsworthy - Okehampton (Stagecoach)

Service 6A Okehampton - Cheriton Bishop - Exeter (Stagecoach) [NB The web link address says it's a Bude-Launceston service, but it links to the correct timetable]

Service 306 Launceston - Okehampton (Go Cornwall)

Okehampton Station Cafe

More properly called the Bulleid Buffet (*) after Oliver Bulleid, the Southern Railway's innovative engineer, the station cafe is run by Leanne Knight and her team from The Amazing Brownie Bakers of Lifton. Opening times are as follows:
Monday to Saturday 0800 to 1600 (food served 0900 to 1500)
Sunday 1000 to 1600 (food served 1000 to 1500).

The Bulleid Buffet has a Facebook page at They can be contacted on 07410 609160 or

(*) but please, not Bullied

Parking at Okehampton Station

Parking at Okehampton Station only costs £2 per day. The first hour is free, without a ticket, facilitating pick up and drop off, or a not-too-leisurely visit to the Bulleid Buffet. Travellers should make a note of their arrival time; the clock starts ticking when passing the the camera monitoring point at the drive entrance. Numberplate recognition is used.

The carpark is managed by APCOA. Further details at

For more details of APCOA, or if you wish to contact them, their entry for the Okehampton Station carpark is at